Tuesday, April 19, 2022
OSMT meeting on Zoom (For Member’s)
7 pm CST: Steven Frowine — “Growing Orchids Without A Greenhouse“
Location: Webmeeting (Zoom)
Steven A. Frowine first started growing orchids under lights when he was in high school. Since then, his love and sometimes obsession for orchids has continued to grow. He has tended orchids professionally as a horticulturist, when he worked in Hawaii at the National Tropical Botanical Garden and at Missouri Botanical Garden, where he was Chairman of Indoor Horticulture and managed one of the largest orchid collections in the United States — more than 10,000 plants. Steve’ s greatest pleasure from orchids, though, has been growing them in his own home under lights and in windowsills, which he has done now for more than 50 years. Steve has a B.S. and M.S. in horticulture from Ohio State University and Cornell, respectively. He has had a long and rich career working as a professional horticulturist for premier botanical gardens in the United States and as an executive at top horticultural businesses including W. Atlee Burpee Company and White Flower. Steve is sought out as a lecturer and has delivered hundreds of lectures throughout the country. His presentations are noted for his knowledge of the subject and his sense of humor. He has appeared on various national TV shows and writes extensively, authoring many articles for horticultural trade and consumer magazines. He has written several books including: Orchids for Dummies (1st and 2nd Edition, Gardening Basics For Dummies (1st and 2nd Edition), Miniature Orchids, Fragrant Orchids, Moth Orchids,The Complete Guide to Phalaenopsis and Complete Guide to Orchids (Miracle- Gro).
Steve now resides in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina.

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Meeting ID: 822 2186 9663
Passcode: OSMT2022