Next Meeting
Our monthly meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month. Exceptions are this June when we have our Annual OSMT Picnic, and December when we have our annual Holiday Party. The meetings are held at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens starting at 7:00PM unless otherwise noted. Address and Directions can be found here.
About our Meetings
Our meetings start off with a short discussion of society business. This is where you will learn about upcoming events. You will also have opportunities to volunteer to participate in activities. Our meetings consist of an orchid related presentation or workshop. Sometimes we bring in experts from around the country to share their orchid expertise. Also, we may have local orchid enthusiasts share some ideas or knowledge with the group.
There is always a table set aside at the meeting where you can sell orchids (sometimes reserved for the speaker’s orchids) and orchid related items. This is a great way to pick up some excellent orchids from other enthusiasts at a very fair price. If you have a plant in which you are particularly proud, or if you have a plant that you would like to share a story about, put it on the show and tell table.
At the end of each night, we go through each of the plants on that table and discuss each one. Very often members have brought some spectacular specimens to show, and it is an excellent way to learn more about some of the more obscure plants that are out there. Finally, we have drinks and refreshments available at each meeting. Come enjoy some refreshments and interesting conversation prior to the meeting, or better yet, sign up to provide refreshments at one of the meetings! Your participation is always welcome.