Tuesday, August 20, 2019
OSMT Meeting at Cheekwood
7 pm Presentation: Stacey Bailey, Huntsville Orchid Society on “Culture & Care of Vandas”
Location: Cheekwood Botanical Gardens – directions, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville Tennessee 37205
Our speaker is Stacey Bailey from the Huntsville Orchid Society, here to talk about Vandas. Join us for the OSMT meeting next Tuesday at Cheekwood (refreshments will begin at 6:30pm).
I’ve been growing orchids for almost 20 years. Vandas have been my favorites from the very beginning. I’ve grown them in apartments and under lights, but always outside in the Summer. I currently grow in a greenhouse in the Winter and a shadehouse in the Summer. I grow a wide variety of Vandaceous and Vandaceous intergeneric orchids, with a few other epiphytes, both orchid and not, thrown in for fun.