Tuesday, February 16, 2021
OSMT Meeting online
7 pm CST: Marc Burchette speaking on “The Biltmore Orchid Collection”
Location: Zoom Online Meeting
Marc Burchette will be our guest speaker this month. Currently living in Asheville, NC and a member of the Western North Carolina Orchid Society, Marc started growing orchids around 1991. While living in Charlotte his collection was grown under lights for the winter and outside during the summer. In 2000, he moved to South Florida and grew his collection outside year round. While living in South Florida, he worked for G.E.M. Orchids in Delray Beach; Mickey’s Orchids in Fort Lauderdale; RF Orchids at regional shows. He was a board member of the Fort Lauderdale Society ten years.

‘Biltmore’s Lemon Lime’ AM,CCM/AOS
In 2010, Marc moved to North Carolina and built a greenhouse to house his collection of about 800 plants. In 2012, he secured a position with Biltmore Estate as their orchid specialist. His primary responsibility is to maintain the collection and provide blooming plants 365 day a year for the estate’s conservatory.
He is currently working with American Orchid Society judging program to obtain certification.
His talk will cover the challenges and rewards of growing orchids for a public garden.

‘Biltmore’s Rising Star’ AM,CCM/AOS