Tuesday, February 21, 2023
OSMT Meeting in person at Cheekwood Botanic Gardens (Zoom/Online will be available)
7 pm CST: “Interactive Orchid Meeting / Roundtable Discussions in Breakout Groups – Topics to be Covered; Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium, Cattleya & Deflasking” – (Group Leaders -> Mike Rollinger, John Cranshaw, Ed Merkle & Sarah Oliver)”
Location: In Person @ Cheekwood Botanical Gardens – directions, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville Tennessee 37205.
Online Attendance: (In Person @ Cheekwood and Online via ‘Zoom’)
Our meeting this month will provide a chance for our group to exchange ideas (and questions) on the orchid family groups listed below. Please feel free to bring your orchids – to show off or to ask for help!
We will divide as evenly as possible into the orchid groups to discuss each plant group for 15 minutes before moving to the next group. The interactive group discussions will start at 7:30pm and end at 8:30pm.
Marie Hammond will be facilitating the group transition and notes.
Orchid Groups and Leaders:
- Paphiopedilum – Mike Rollinger
- Phragmipedum – John Cranshaw
- Cattleya – Ed Merkle
- Deflasking orchids – Sarah Oliver