Tuesday, July 19, 2016 OSMT Meeting
7 pm Presentation: “First Ladies and their Cattleya Orchids ‐ 1929 to Present” (refreshments at 6:30 pm, drawing for a signed book during meeting)
Location: Cheekwood Botanical Gardens – directions, 1200 Forrest Park Drive Nashville Tennessee 37205
Art Chadwick – Author and speaker, Chadwick & Son Orchids, Richmond, VA. – “First Ladies and their Cattleya Orchids ‐ 1929 to Present”
**Special note: Art will be selling plants at the meeting**
Information on preordering orchids to be announced.
You may not recognize Art E. Chadwick’s face, but you mostly recall his name from over 50 published articles in Orchids magazine (SEE PHOTO below). Art holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State and an MBA from James Madison. He founded Chadwick & Son Orchids Inc. in 1989 with his father who has been growing orchids since 1943. Art credits much of knowledge and success of orchids to his father, Art Sr., who had been growing orchids since 1945, and provided invaluable cultural and hybridizing experience.
Anthology on Large flowered Cattleyas
‘The Classic Cattleyas’ is widely considered to be the definitive book on large flowered Cattleya species and was written by Art and his father. Martha Stewart favorably reviewed the book and had both Chadwick’s on her TV Show.
Art has the distinction of naming Cattleya hybrids after the wives of the last four U.S. Presidents and personally presenting the flowers to the honored recipients. He is a ‘regular’ on the orchid society speaker’s circuit domestically as well as internationally (Western Australian Orchid Conference, World Orchid Conference in France). Each month since 2002, the Richmond Times Dispatch publishes Art’s orchid advice column. The Winston-Salem Journal now also runs the popular column.
Chadwick’s operates 11 greenhouses in rural Powhatan County, a retail store in Richmond, and boards over 13,000 orchids for local clients. The company was recently featured in Southern Living Magazine and the New York Times.
First Ladies and their Cattleyas
An exceptional lecturer, Art will be talking on “First Ladies and their Cattleyas – 1929 to Present”. Which Cattleya of the First Ladies hybrid is his favorite? Well, you’ll just have to attend the July OSMT Meeting to find out!
Since the OSMT is deeming this “First Ladies Night,” a signed copy of his book has been donated by an OSMT member and will be given to one of our own OSMT First Ladies in attendance! You must come enter your name, hear Art’s wonderful talk and be present to win!