OSMT Meeting, Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Time: 7:00 pm (refreshments at 6:30 pm)
Location: Cheekwood Botanical Gardens
Parvi and Their Culture
Presentation by Sam Tsui – Orchid Inn, Ltd.
Sam started growing orchids in the early 1980’s and it has always been our passion! He started breeding/hybridizing in the early 1990’s and eventually started “Orchid Inn” our home-commercial business in our basement and greenhouses attached to our house. As the business grows, we purchased a six acre property and built our first commercial 6,000 square greenhouse in 2004.
Please check out orchidinnusa.com
Founder and owner of Orchid Inn, Ltd., Sam Tsui has been breeding and hybridizing orchids for over 20 years. His high-quality slipper orchids have given him international recognition with over a hundred American Orchid Society, Cymbidium Society of America and European Orchid Congress awards. A few of his prestigious awards include seven FCC/AOS awards, a 93 points CCE/AOS award, and six AQ/AOS awards.