Tuesday, March 15, 2022
OSMT meeting on Zoom (for Member’s)
7 pm CST: Rob Griesbach — Genetics for Orchid Growers
Location: Webmeeting (Zoom)
Genetics at first may seem too complicated to understand. Hugo Freed was very astute observer during his career at Arthur Freed Orchids. In his book on orchid breeding, he states that “genes act in mysterious ways, particular those with which we are not well acquainted.” However, it does not have to be a ‘mysterious’ process. Genetics is quite easy to comprehend once it is known how genes function. This presentation will unravel what is a gene, how does it function, and why is this important to orchid growers.
Rob Griesbach – Brief Bio
Rob Griesbach earned a Ph.D. in genetics from Michigan State University in 1980. The following year, he joined U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). In 2020, Rob retired from the USDA-ARS. He spent his first 25 years at USDA-ARS conducting research on flower color genetics and plant breeding. During his last 15 years at USDA-ARS, he was the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Technology Transfer, providing leadership on policies, procedures, and programs to optimize the adoption USDA research results to the private sector. In 2006, the American Society for Horticultural Science elected Rob a Fellow for his research contributions to horticulture. In 2010, he received the American Horticulture Society’s H. Marc Cathey Award for his scientific contributions to gardening and horticulture. In 2020, the Federal Laboratory Consortium awarded Rob its Harold Metcalf Award for his contributions to Federal technology transfer. Since 1979, Rob has been an active member of the American Orchid Society, serving as an Accredited Judge, member and chair of Research Committee, past-Trustee and past-President.
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