Tuesday, November 17, 2020
OSMT Meeting online
7 pm : Nile Dusdieker presents“WOW Phals!”
Location: Zoom Online Meeting
Our featured speaker for the November 2020 meeting, Nile Dusdieker will be revealing the new trends in Phalaenopsis breeding that include harlequin, big lip, and novelty miniature flowers in his presentation, “Wow Phals”. His presentation follows the trip of these Phalaenopsis plants from Taiwan to San Diego nurseries and ultimately to local vendors where we purchase them. Nile will discuss cultural aspects concerning how to grow and re-bloom these beauties from Taiwan. Lots of oohs and awes guaranteed throughout his presentation.
Nile is a retired Gastroenterologist living in North Liberty, Iowa. He and his wife grow over 900 orchids in a greenhouse atop their third garage with all the orchids going outside to a pergola in the summer. Nile is an accredited AOS Judge and has presented posters, presentations and webinars in the US and internationally at the WOC and Australian Orchid Council National Conventions. He has published several articles in Orchids Magazine.
Nile and his wife, Lois, are known locally as the ‘Orchid Snoops’ because everywhere they go they like to look for and learn more about orchids. Nile enjoys visiting orchid societies and sharing his passion for orchid growing.