Tuesday, November 15, 2022
OSMT Meeting in person at Cheekwood Botanic Gardens (Zoom/Online will be available)
7 pm CST: Plant/Division Share & Sale + Annual Business Meeting

Location: In Person @ Cheekwood Botanical Gardens – directions, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville Tennessee 37205.
Online Attendance: Webmeeting (Zoom)
During this months Annual Business Meeting, we will be discussing the past, current and future state of many aspects of the society, including; Executive Officers, Board of Trustee Members, and several Committees & Chairman positions that have historically been a part of the society. In the near future, we will eventually be looking to re-establish some of these committee’s if/when we can find enough volunteers interested to do so and help the society continue to bring together orchid growers in the Middle Tennessee area, for the purpose of fellowship, information, and education on orchids. Another aspect we will discuss is the possibility of holding New Orchid shows in the area, outside of just the Lawn & Garden Show we participate in each March at the The Fairgrounds Nashville – Expo Center (Upcoming show is March 3rd thru 6th, 2023).
We are also asking those of you that may have plants in your collection that you are struggling with or any excess divisions taking up unwanted space in your collection, please bring those to the meeting to give someone else a try. DO NOT feel obligated to participate in any way if you don’t have anything, as we are ultimately looking for members to share amongst the group. No one is obligated to bring anything, just hoping to provide another opportunity to trade, share or sell plants among members if you’d like.