Potluck Picnic & Auction — Saturday, June 1, 2019
Time: 3 – 6 pm (Members Potluck)
Location: 1008 Maplewood Place, Nashville TN
Parking: Driveway or on Porsha St.
Please note: this event is for members only. See details below.
The OSMT is excited to hold the annual potluck picnic and auction. This is a really joyful event! We get to mingle, eat great food, raise money for our Orchid Society, and expand our personal orchid collections.
We are very thankful to Ed and Lydia Merkel for hosting the picnic again this year. Newer members – don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience their beautiful greenhouse!
- The Orchid Society will provide the main dish. We ask members to bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert to share.
- Look around for plants you want to donate as this is our largest fundraiser for the year. 100% of auction proceeds go to benefit the society.
- Seating is limited so please bring a lawnchair if you want to ensure a comfortable spot.
- If you have not paid your 2019 dues of $25, it will be added to your total. Cash or check is required to take plants home.