Tuesday, October 17, 2023
OSMT Meeting in person at Cheekwood Botanic Gardens (Zoom/Online will be available)
7PM CST: “Goodies from the Andes” Geri Powell our Speaker will be here in person with plants for sale
This month, please join us for the Orchid Society of Middle TN meeting held on Tuesday, October 17th @ 7PM CST at Cheekwood Botanic Gardens (in Massey Auditorium/Hall) where we will be hosting Geraldine Powell of “The Orchid Gallery” from Chattanooga to partake in presentation titled “Goodies from the Andes”. Geri will focus on Miltoniopsis, Masdevallias, and touch on Draculas. Geri Powell has a brief slide show and then will talk to us about diversity, culture of these species and will conduct a question and answer session about these at the end.

About our Speaker
The Orchid Gallery in Signal Mountain, TN (near Chattanooga) is owned and operated by Beth F. Cox and Geraldine A. Powell, who together have a combined 40 plus years of experience in the retail orchid business. The company was established in 1999, in Florida, and relocated to Tennessee in 2005. Before that we owned Suncoast Orchid n Brookville Florida. Beth has been growing these silly things for 45 years and learns new things everyday.
CLICK HERE!!! for Zoom Meeting Link -> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88341047063…
Meeting ID: 883 4104 7063
Passcode: OSMT2023